Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Night Before....

Yes, tonight, 4 years ago was the night before Jaxon had his first brain surgery. I do remember it like yesterday and when I reminded Jaxon today his words were, "sweet, can we go to the cha cha cha place?"
Too funny. He seems to be in excellent health except for being a weird tennager now. His favorite words are huh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe one day he will speak english again. His next appt. is in May with scans of his shunt.
We will pray for great news on that day.
I spent the day with Jett. He has a ear infection so I got to stay and play with him today and of course catch up on laundry.
Jayton is good. He spent the evening at skate night at school. He thinks he is pretty big time because he has his own skates.
Have a great day.